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5 thoughts on “THIS woman met God and did a ´´Life Review´´ with Him

  • Ok first of all satan is giving many signs wonders visions tunnels. Second of all NO TESTING OF SPIRITS AND SHE IS NOT TALKING ABOUT JESUS CHRIST AT ALL. There are many fake gods and false christs I do not by this at all for one second. She was on drugs too. WE MUST TEST TRY EVERYTHING EVERY STORY EVERY SPIRIT WE MUST. no one in bible has to put on glasses in any vision or dream from living God. 🙁 Where is Repenting part. CHRISTMAS 🙁 Beauty is not a gift talk about vanity. where are her gifts of the Spirit. Jesus is Alive he did not just die his blood was shed for sins of world this is messed up big time sadly. She gets knowledge and wisdom without fear of Lord . I do not think so :(. All our gifts are different thats not true Gifts of Spirit are all same. We are not changing this world JESUS IS COMING TO DESTROY IT FOR A NEW ONE. GLORY

  • Kelly Craig

    I agree Michele. Scripture says death is sleep. We will not know the end until we are (those of us who are dead in Christ) called from our sleep by Jesus Himself. Paul says to us behold I shall shew you a mystery, we shall not all sleep. I don’t know if during this sleep we will dream, but I do know reward only comes during the second coming.

  • applevalley

    if she is not talking about hell….i dont believe her

  • Nina Marrocco


  • Stephanie Pisani

    I firmly believe… That there is no condemnation for those who LOVE THE LORD…. BUT In that day we will indeed have to give an account and I promise… We all fall short of the GLORY OF GOD. Thank JESUS for his blood atonement. But we will indeed weep as we see clearly thru the HEART OF CHRIST and the WISDOM and TRUTH OF GOD How we really acted what we really did in action and deed to the people in our life. But worst when we hear the thoughts we did not capture and bind spoken… In that place. O PRAISE BE THE LAMB ONLY HE IS WORTHY. BUT because of him we are sealed together with him in GOD. That he should love us so much… But I could not listen to her I shut her off after her movie theater in the galaxy comment. Did she endure any remorse and sorrow or recognition of her acts n thoughts on Earth? Not that these things are ALL BUNK LIES whacks. Some have these and like others said… The enemy is present but… SOME happen and they are from GOD and THE ANGEL of the LORD brings them up to the heavens for a purpose then returns them For the GLORY OF GOD

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