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ExclusivesIlluminati Mysteries Revealed!

THIS Man Worked With The Illuminati And It Destroyed Him

Exposes ALL…..child sacrifice, satan worship, mk ultra, torture…..

Full interview with insider Ronald Bernard
A ‘DVM-TV’ video production: interview with insider Ronald Bernard, Dutch spoken, English subs.
DVM-TV is part of De Vrije Media: cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/real-big-money-revelations-by-an-insider-video/
The Dutch version without subs you will find here: cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/2017/03/de-macht-achter-het-grote-geld-onthullingen-van-een-insider/

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70 thoughts on “THIS Man Worked With The Illuminati And It Destroyed Him

  • Kat Baal

    Something doesn’t sit right with me about what this guy is saying…he says that the elite are trying to ‘divide’ everyone and that the key is ‘unity’… huh? What kind of unity and with whom? Is there any way to verify that what he is saying is true? I certainly believe that there are evil forces propelling us toward one world religion/government…but just blaming everything on the Jews seems like programming in and of itself.

    • Tyrion4Prez

      First you divide until the point where things get so bad that the whole world decides to come up with a new system aka the new world order, one world government. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Order out of chaos.

      • Kat Baal

        Yes, but do you really think the Jews have have a corner on the chaos market? I think the Bush family created plenty (and many others, of course!) and they were certainly not jewish.

        • I think that if you’re going to have this conversation, you have to consider how much people think that Bush was a puppet of globalist bankers, who are taken to be for the most part Jews.

          You can say that you don’t buy that, but you can’t say that that’s not already kind of built into the conversation.

          • Kat Baal

            That’s part of the problem…so many things are ‘built in’ to this conversation that we don’t think for ourselves anymore. Let’s blame it all on the jews, it’s so much easier than researching and thinking for ourselves. After all, a dude on the internet said it was true.

          • Kat Baal

            All I’m saying is, please differentiate between the likes of the Rothschilds and Soros, and jews in general. God is pretty clear about who is the ‘apple of His eye’, so we should be careful (Zechariah 2:8)

          • Daniel Simpson

            The apple of Gods eye is NOT the Jesus Christ rejecting Jews that God said pleases him not who are the enemies of all mankind.
            Zechariah 2:8 is not refereeing to the Jews, it is refereeing to the spiritual nation of Israel that BELIEVE in the Lord, Jesus Christ, read the entire chapter of Zechariah 8 not just one verse and conclude that verse means something or refers to someone when in fact the text itself tells you who God refers to the apple of his eye.
            For example Zechariah 2:4 is referring to the Millennial reign where Jesus Christ rules the nations from Jerusalem and the people living with Jesus Christ are all the OT and NT saints.
            The ((((The apple of Gods eye))))) are believers in Jesus Christ only.

          • Kat Baal

            If God does not keep His promises to Abraham and Israel, then why do you believe that He would keep His promises to you? You can try to replace all the references to Judah, Israel, Jerusalem with the Church if you want to, but there are some places where it just won’t work, Zechariah 12 among them.
            I don’t need to hate and villify the Jewish people; they are in need of their Savior, just like everyone else. Jesus saved me, so I know that He can save anyone!

          • king kong

            Not sure why anyone would debate or take serious what someone who calls him/herself (Baal) has to say! Lol Again, the shills at work! People regardless of what mental conditioning we have all received since childhood with all the propaganda from religion, tv shows, movies, commercials,news media, radio etc we still know or at least heard of all the plotting, suffering, lies ,deception and agendas that has been used against us to fulfill their own prophecies. And, we have a pretty good idea where it’s coming from. So stop with all the silly so called back and forth commenting and empower yourselves with truth so that we as a people can defeat all this nonsense!

          • Daniel Simpson

            Do you believe in the Gospel??? Do you even understand the Gospel?? If you do, tell me how do the Jesus Christ rejecting Jews get saved and why are you so much in love with them?? are you also in love with Muslims because they too reject Jesus Christ?

            The promises to Abraham was ((NEVER))) to Jews, someone told you that lie and you believed them because its not in the Bible.
            The promises were to Abraham SINGULAR, to his SEED, SINGULAR and that seed is Jesus Christ (((NOT JEWS)))), and through faith in Jesus Christ ALLLLLLLLL the families of the Earth are blesses fulfilling
            Genesis 12:3 Galatians 3:16

            ONLY those who believe Jesus Christ are the TRUE nation of Israel the TRUE and ONLY “SEED” of Abraham through Jesus Christ,

            Romans 9:6…
            For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

            Romans 9:8
            That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

            You obviously have zero understanding of the Gospel if you did you would worship Jesus Christ alone not the Jesus Christ rejecting Jews, the Bible warns people like you not to worship or bless those who reject Jesus Christ if you do become a partaker of their EVIL DEEDS.

            2 John 9-11
            Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

            If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

            For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

          • Kat Baal

            Honey, I hope you feel better after that rant. If you really think I ‘worship’ Jews from my comments above then you have jumped the shark (and obviously not read the full comment thread.)

          • Daniel Simpson

            I see you can not refute the truth I said.
            I read your entire comment and as I wrote and proved you wrong, honey.

          • I suppose. But at this point what else is there? What isn’t just ‘some dude on the internet’?

            I don’t need a conspiracy theory to ‘blame’ the Jews, I’m free to simply notice the news in ‘legitimate’ sources about who they are and what they do to realize that I’m somewhat obligated to say what I feel like saying.

            If I take those news reports seriously, then I have to deduct that the Jews as a people, are missing something. So are many other people, but none who are *that* into religion.

            Take this story for example. I’m sure the Mormon’s have done similar things, but they’re not nearly as rich and powerful. They’re a much newer religion, so I can see how they’ve had a late start…
            And at the very least the Mormons have the decency to move the whole show to the middle of nowhere; Utah. The Jews in Brooklyn are doing all of this right in the middle of the city. Mind you, Chuck Schumer is calling for Trumps tax returns? LOL. Take a look at your constituents!

            “Skeptics suggest an off-the-books economy has underpinned development
            within this community. Many residents bank informally and property is
            regularly swapped between family members and holding companies.”

            How many of them own diamond mines? Lol. I know, some are ‘poor’ because they sold the condo to Uncle Schmule for a dollar, and then Uncle Schmule sold it back to him for a dollar as soon as the tax man came sniffing…
            Some of these pleasant young men have wives that they never report to the state so that she and the kids can get all the benefits befit a single mother, while dad studies ‘Torah’ all day long. Even if that was what he was up to (it’s not) why should the state basically pay this douche bag to play gematria all day long? Yes, add up the numbers, come up with a few more names of ‘god’. Put it all of the Goys’ tab while the ghetto stays poor. But don’t worry, because they own those buildings too, and the section 8 rent keeps pouring in over in the Hispanic neighborhood, ditto for the blacks.

            And this is but one example. We’re supposed to ignore it lest someone call us antisemitic.

            So, if this is how they act…and it is…then what are we to think about what they do on a global scale?

            Please, tell me how to feel about it.


          • Kat Baal

            You are obviously going to feel animosity, that is pretty clear, not much I can do about that. Most jews are not religious, but I agree Talmudic Judaism is awful. However, some of your examples are not at all unlike other conclaves of ethnic minorities (italians and the mob, chinatown and human trafficking, etc.) and yet I never hear the disparaging of their whole race/religion because of it. And of course, no other group has been vilified throughout history in the same way either. And to your question as to what is not a ‘dude on the internet’? Books, man, books.

          • True enough, less internet more books would be great for all.

            I think what we’re both getting at the same thing. It kind of goes back to the idea that whoever you can’t criticize is the one who must have their foot on your neck. I don’t see too many books getting banned from Amazon save for holocaust revisionist type things. So it’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.

          • Kat Baal

            If the Zionists were trying to ban references/books to holocaust denial, Jew hatred, etc, they are not doing a very good job, as it is a very common theme nowadays (as this comment thread illustrates.) I very much hope we are not ‘getting at the same thing’ here…I am trying to point out (albeit ineffectively) that if we believe anyone that tells us what we want to hear, well…history repeats itself. I recently took a trip to Holland, and visited Corrie Ten Boom’s house in Haarlem. I had read her book, The Hiding Place, many years ago but was glad to be reminded that our real enemy is not flesh and blood, but “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Feel like you’re a paranoid, tinfoil-hat wearing wingnut. (Oh, wait…!)

          • I’m free to notice and speak about what ever I want. If I notice it, I’ll talk about it.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            IF you notice, indeed…!

          • Clearly you’ve got nothing of value to say.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            ‘Cause warbling and babbling about how the blacks and the Jews are trying to murder good-white-people every minute just drips with “value.”

          • AlfredoGarcia

            You puke out 28 sentences (counting, oh lord, “Lol”s) on this “subject,” so that you can get— how many upvotes? (Come-on-now, Xecucky: use your deductive reasoning! :D)
            Your fellow wingnuts must love you on that site. If you were gettin’ paid for POSITIVE feedback— you’d be even hungrier than you no doubt are…

          • Maybe I’m not in it for the up votes Chicken Alfredo. Maybe I’m just writing for the sake of expressing my opinion, which you have yet to refute on any level.

            dumb dumb.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Can tell from the “syntax” (the amaaazing vocabulary) and “delivery” that you indeed worship Chump.
            I think you’re “in it” to impress your Oompa Loompa boyfriend. Honestly, though, you’re still gonna have to DUMB IT DOWN a little…

          • I don’t worship anyone. If you’d like to see political worship you’d best check out how Hollywood and the liberal press treated Obama. Trust me, nobody’s putting halos around Trumps head the way they did for Obama.

          • Here’s the difference. These folks in the picture are thanking Jesus for their candidate having won. That’s what normal people do.

            The press put halos around Obama’s head, as if he IS god.

            And you ate it up.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            “That’s what normal people do”? That’s what inbreeds like you do…
            And I ate something up (you’re my fucking biographer now)? That’s news to me and my “voting habits”…

          • Really, people who believe in Jesus are inbred? You say this while trying to act like you know your way around the ghetto? Lol.

            Yes, it is what normal people do. Religious people, who are in the majority, tend to be thankful to their god when things go their way.

            You don’t know that? Lol. You need to get out of…I’m sorry, but …your mom’s basement. I know I’m stealing your lousy material, but in this case it’s apt. So…

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Hard to believe a “religious” wingnut (who wants to kill black people and Jews so bad he can taste it) would have NOTHING the least bit original to say!
            Wait for it… #WWJD?
            (Hey, does Donnie Boy walk on water, turn it to wine, and then make the seas part? Yeah? More like he feeds you magic fruit…)

          • When did I say I wanted to kill anyone? Idiot.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Oh no, “somebody” got me banned from a site named “Weasel Zippers” (thought you were bein’ a-w-f-u-l-l-y quiet for a while there), ’cause that’s what tough guys do!!!
            I KNEW you’d run cryin’ to Mommy, cuck boy!!!
            And then other people get accused of being— get this— ANTI-FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!
            Tell me something, little girl, how does it feel to literally have no testicles AT ALL. I’m curious. I wouldn’t know (having never pulled the little-girl move myself).
            The ONLY other person who’s ever pulled that on me was a FEMALE (SJW) who stealth-moderates for P.C., pardon me, A.V. Club— so you’re officially a bigger pussy than her!
            And, make no mistake, god I LOVE bein’ banned (by females)! The Alpha Male smiles widely at the little cuck’s tears… Can’t take the heat, run and cry to Mommy the Mod…
            Oh, and to c-&-p the last comment that, of course, I can’t make on the precious Weasel Zippers site (Amendment One, yeahhhh):
            Still on O’BANNION* a day later, huh (“LOL”)? All I see are little boys— AKA snowflakes— who are seriously butt-hurt.
            *Speaking of seriously, special boy, are you— capable of getting ANYTHING RIGHT?? Yeah, you know a lot of editors… They must all be in Sonic Youth (like you’d even be able to spell “Thurston Moore”)…
            There. Now go braid your hair and play with your Barbies some more.

          • Twasn’t me. Clearly I’m not afraid of Chicken Alfreado.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            A faggot and a liar. “I’m not afraid of Chicken Alfreado”— good god, is that the closest you head-trauma cases can get to ENGLISH???
            Try getting the semen out of your mouth first…

          • You keep accusing me of being afraid of you. Clearly I’m far from it.
            And please, you’ll never make it with your liberal buddies with all of the homophobic slurs Chicken Alfredo.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            You can think I’m a “liberal” to your heart’s content, Mr. Dyslexia (geeee… words-hurt…). You can think you’re a “tough guy” who hangs out with rock stars and intellectuals, too, but— oh, hey, Mommy’s callin’ ya again (from the other side of the trailer)…

          • They banned you because you’re a grade Z libtard.

            You know.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            They banned me because that’s what FAGGOTS like you do!!!
            The “grade Z libtard” (you c-a-n-n-o-t come up with anything new, short-bus boy) actually BELIEVES IN THE FIRST AMENDMENT! (And absolutely unregulated, the way some people feel about the Amendment after… And, in your scared little catamite mind, yeah, you probably think that makes me the “bad guy,” you inbred little orangutan…)
            Anyway. I usually wouldn’t spend this much time talking to spineless faggots, but, yeah, I enjoy watching a snowflake melt on occasion (we know what YOU like melting!)… Go try to get some more people who scare you banned… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5170df00d7e85e02514672e22ac346179af5d85086573cd0e2ad2303f62bfd9d.jpg

          • More homophobic slurs.

            Tisk tisk Chicken Alfredo. Tisk tisk.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Wow, be a little more effeminate, schoolmarm!! 😀 (You’re really convincing me I might not be talking— to an actual female.)
            Awww, did you get bored mentally masturbating your fellow hillbillies in your SAFE SPACE? Now the scared cuck who spends half his time ranting against the-blacks and the-Jews is gonna try to mount a high horse. (Usually, of course, it’s the other way around… And keep going on and on about chickens, Cletus, ’cause we know what else FARMBOY faggots are into…)
            Yeah, now (when cornered and scared), you’re gonna act like a PRETEND-LIBERAL yourself, just like the other snowflakes who can’t handle a joke or two from Stephen flippin’ Colbert… I’m curious, “tough guy,” what’s next? Gonna run to Jeff Sessions and try to have me arrested for LAUGHING at you so much? (Desiree Fairooz: look it up, inbreed.) Hey, where’s the Hall Monitor?
            I suppose a “person” like you would like it better if I bragged about SEXUAL ASSAULT… That’s more what you’re into, right Donnie Junior? (Well— maybe not with higher primates…) Defend THIS (tisking optional):

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Wait for it… Wait-for-it.. This is all just #LockerRoomTalk (not to be confused with— other kinds of BOYS’ CLUBS…)

          • You’re homophobia has gotten to the point where it’s obviously saying something about you.

            come out come out Chicken Alfredo! closets are for shoes! Don’t be a coward.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Oh, goody, the cuck’s back on my off-day.
            “You’re” attempts to master the third-grade basics of the English language are (still) saying a lot about you…
            Go discuss “cowardice” and “heroism” with the rest of the girls in your SAFE SPACE, Xecucky! (Hey, why don’t you talk about how your people haven’t WON A WAR in two generations? :D) #ToughGuys

          • I type very quickly. You’re an a hole. There, how does that work?

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Oh, and you do realize: NOW I’m gonna talk so much shit on other sites— about the girls at Weasel Fuckers— it ain’t even funny…

          • Go nuts with that. Enjoy yourself.

            And while you’re at it, go ask your mom if it’s ok to punch the couch pillows, go let some aggression out dumb dumb.

            So angry and full of emotion. So easily manipulated.

            Dance for me some more Monkey! I love to watch you dance!

          • My goodness, you are easily upset. And so quick to bring up your own fantasies too!

            Chicken Alfredo, are you in jail? Be honest.

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Yawwwn, and we’re back to the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I bullshit… Now, if you’re gonna be a little faggot (which, clearly, you are), you could at least not be a boring one…

          • How’s that going Chicken Alfredo?

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Unlike you, I have a JOB and a life (just got home), and it WILL be going just fine.
            Hey, we can’t all hop to it as quickly as you hop to a circumcised cock…
            (How’s it going with you bustin’ out as many responses to me a minute as you can, Mr. I-Don’t-Really-Care…? :D)

          • Say I was gay, would that be a problem? It seems to be with you. Why Chicken Alfredo, why?

            And, if your job is so important, how do you have the time to stalk me and correct my grammar?

          • AlfredoGarcia

            Oh look, surprise, right on cue it’s the bitch I now own— in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY!! 😀
            Listen, dropout, as much as you’re drooling for quick responses (and other things) from me, I have something— other than a soul— you’ll never have: it’s called a JOB. (That’s not a character in your religious book.) Say it with me, Xecucky: J-O-B.
            (Cue the sodomite telling more lies about everything he can do on his “lunch break”; the only break you’re gonna get is from the hillbillies in your sucking circle.)
            I know you have time (and other things) on your hands. My question for you, six hours later (that thing you see by the names is called a “timestamp”) is: can you tell time…?
            (And this one’ll be back for even more abuse because— kinda what cucks do… :D)

          • I have a job. I’m sure we do better than you and your boyfriend money wise.
            If you had a job…like you keep saying you do, you’d be really mad that HUD money is being stolen right out from under you.

            But, to realize that AND have a job…that would take a functioning brain, so…I guess it’s just not in the cards, eh dumb dumb?

            I love calling you dumb dumb. I can sense how ANGRY it makes you.

            You should do something about it. Go let off some steam Chicken Alfedo.

    • Well, the Jews are the ones with all the capitol, remember, therefore they control most of what goes on in this world.

      • Kat Baal

        All the capital? Last time I checked, Gates, Buffett, Ma, Slim, and all those Saudi princes weren’t doing too badly. Oh, and I forgot to mention the Vatican. Let’s give credit where credit is due 😉 Let’s just use an abundance of caution before blaming a whole race for the sins a nefarious few at the top.

    • I don’t think he’s truly equipped to make complete sense of what he’s seen, mentally. I think his call for unity is simply a reaching out to the greater humanity, and just saying that there are lines we should all not even consider crossing. That we shouldn’t tolerate all of the things he’s discussing.

      I use the word ‘tolerate’ because of all the pushes for normalization that have been out there. In Salon.com for example, the NYT’s as well.

      • Kat Baal

        If he’s not ‘equipped’ as you say, then how much of what he is saying can we actually believe? He seems to have been traumatized and had a subsequent breakdown, but then launches into the protocols of zion? That’s pretty convenient…reminds me of the blood libel accusations throughout history.

    • Paul Kearns

      Zionist not Torah loving Jews….

      • Daniel Simpson

        The only “Torah” loving Jews are those that believe in Jesus Christ alone without the deeds of the Law, where are they???

    • Shawn oleary

      Your sadly clearly stupid history can tell u exactly what u js asked the Catholic Church is one of the oldest devil worshipers In the world along with the very ritual they perform they’ve been caught red handed doing so killing and raping and torturing children there very symbols they wear are pagan how is pagan in Christianity oh wait because lies! Do your own research it’s not hard to find theses things stop being a sheepal and wake up! Romain’s were the once who murdered the son on the cross ironically the very same people 400 years created a church known today as the Catholic Church the most powerful then and now in religion as ever still the world leaders bow to the Pope why is that because they hold 4 miles of scrolls even the Pope can’t read why is this why so much info not allowed to be read to be taught of the Lord our father! Because you have been deceived sense birth they changed him to being white they changed his being to there god therefore idealisms now the truth has been lost yet slowly being found thru time these people collapse country keep isreal at war lie to Americans are very much inslaving us all to there lies and deceit they are the devil’s at work supporting his cause I feel sorry for people that don’t have the mind to actually research these things yet ask for proof it’s on the wall read learn and understand truly what we are up against and realize to the reality that you don’t want to face out of fear! Lord our saviorJawah the true name of God before once again the Catholic Church even changed his name time to wake up knowledge is power! Keeping people down and dumb is enslavment!!!

      • Kat Baal

        Well, at least you didn’t use all caps

  • Kat Baal

    Oh, and by the way, love your channel and vids, KJ, and glad you have a website now!

  • He doesn’t seem like an actor to me.

  • FSM Productionz

    Don’t know if anybody knows this, the vatican building is a giant serpent,when look from above and also a dragon and an upside down cross.. check it out on google earth…The secret are coming out…peace be with you all.

  • Anthony Dolman

    I had a successful technology business and was approached by all kinds of Elite Satanic Sex Groups! I never participated or joined any of them! They used my liberal idiot greedy ex-wife, IRS and sickness to make my life a living HELL behind the scenes! Now I have nothing, but GAINED everything! JESUS IS MY SAVIOR/CONFIDANT/LORD, A WOMAN IN MY LIFE WHO IS MY BEST FRIEND AND LOVES ME UNCONDITIONALLY AND MY AWESOME DOGGIE! PRAISE BE TO YHWH AND YESHUA FOREVER AND EVER!

  • A lot of hatred coming from alleged Christians on here. I’ll pray for you all. Galatians 5:19-21 for those who think hatred is bad except when it comes to people you hate.

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