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Illuminati Mysteries Revealed!

The Satanist/Illuminati Serial Killer Connection!

WARNING: Disturbing Footage!
As with most things in this world, when you peel back the layers the Beast System is revealed. Check out the interesting connection some of the most infamous killers and psychopaths of our time have with Luciferians, Illuminati, Government, and the New World Order.

Some of the footage here is from the Amazing documentary “Programmed to Kill” by Stefano. Please see the full movie at his Youtube Channel for much more on this fascinating subject: http://www.youtube.com/user/LOLFIELDANDLOVE/about

1. He creepily licks his lips after talking about eating human flesh.
2. Oprah continues to cut off the guy talking about the Illuminati, especially as he mentions them by name.
3. Oprah acting like she has no idea what the Illuminati is.
4. “I’m not a lizard”.


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