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20 thoughts on “Shocking PROOF of REAL Demonic Attacks (San Pedro Incident)

  • Michele

    I believe were going to see more more of it manifest only those in Christ Jesus will know how to use their authority and the Word of God against this evil. I have had few manifest in public over years I had to rebuke them out loud. I knew I was going to see this day coming . Glory to Living God 0 Fear in Christ Stand Firm keep armor on stay in Word so you can learn to speak it out. Praying Always 🙂 Blessings Always Giving Thanks Glory Praise Honor to Lord Jesus Christ

  • somewarintheheavens

    I lived in a house like this, in Manhattan KS. We found out that it was built to be a hospital for terminal patients, and was used as a quarantine building during the tuberculosis outbreak way back when. it was a real live horror movie.

  • I actually own the VHS (yes i said vhs). It really does show proof. That thing followed her after she moved out.

  • so fyi video isn’t working for me and I know its not my player #someoneismessingwiththisbecauseitstru?

  • Robert Sedeke Downes

    Poltergeist activity has been associated with Quija board use in previous reports I’ve heard and seen. Devils that move physical items and create physical phenomena are conjured up through the Quija board. The devils are more likely than not, in all of the people who participated in the conjuring. It shall require the salvation, deliverance, and sanctification of anyone possessed by these evil spirits to both clean them of these unclean spirits and keep them free of other unclean spirits.

  • I can never open your videos. Please advise.

  • Stormy Waters

    The floating orbs and the man claiming to have ”lost time”. These things are the exact types of phenomenon people claim to experience during alien abduction and UFO encounters. And it seems to be a recurring theme. I think its safe to assume that the same things controlling these ”haunted houses” are responsible for the ET encounters. And if thats the case, than they can be neither ghosts nor aliens.

  • double bubble

    Matthew 19:24

    24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

    • double bubble

      look at that ugly meditating puppet right there its poopoo they poke themselves with needles all over left right up down all around theyre poking themselves with needles shame on them

  • double bubble

    Superme Court Isreal…. what the 12 tribes of Israel is that really the bloodlines? why does this look like an OWL with its wing open over there (secret) see its beak it has a primade in the middle of it plus its a sun dial the only way we know how to tell what time it is well i see the sun setting and maybe its a needle whats that box over there? there goes the needle to poke it out https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8255f83bd3c28072a79921917a2ade4e7b92cc27471963c036e6aeadb7a9471.jpg

  • double bubble

    put a wing out

  • double bubble

    awe shit i poked out my eye im just kidding i poked out their eyes heehee

  • double bubble

    the bones break Jesus Christ breaks them bones cause satan is at the tip top he is soo evil thats what happens when i close my eyes i can see it the evil skull&bones thats why the Scottish Rite is leaving them cause its batshit evil skeletons in their closets break it

  • Desiree Clarins

    Video won’t play. Host site Vidme no longer exists.

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