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SHOCKING New Footage Reveals Michelle Obama May Actually Be A MAN

WOW! If you didn´t already know, there are MANY people that believe Michelle Obama is actually a man. This thought is based off of anatomical research and video footage revealing some questionable activity ´´down there´´. Research on your own for the evidence and footage to make up your own mind. And now we have THIS…..

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10 thoughts on “SHOCKING New Footage Reveals Michelle Obama May Actually Be A MAN

  • Nina Marrocco

    he/she man and woman, male penis, female breasts.

  • Tony Montana

    IMO it looks more like the pants are folding around the crouch area ass the legs moved but its hard to tell with that resolution.

  • trevmac789


  • Mason Smith

    KJ you are awesome. Been following your videos for a year and a half now.
    Yesterday I came across this tweet reacting to the Trump Eclipsing Obama meme. In it he literally compares Obama to the sun and if you read his series of replies you can find some real eerie “sun worship” language. Here is the tweet: https://twitter.com/edkrassen/status/900698314240397313

  • Lindsey Latham

    I’ve been fully convinced awhile now that “she” is a man. This really helps the case!! How can anyone deny it after ALL of the footage? I still can’t get over what Joan Rivers said about “her”.

    • TryToUseYourBrain

      ….and then she dies so soon after that (COINCIDENCE?) and the producer that ran that clip lost his job a few days after it aired! (but that would have happened no matter if true of not I would think) – so I agree with you that I also am pretty sure, but like everything we get from the propaganda outlets of the 5 Corporations that own all MSM, we cannot believe anything for sure from those sources, so even I have to admit I am pretty sure but still leave that little bit of doubt. It could all be a game they are playing with the public for all we know!

  • Mike Mike Mike

    I wrote a song about some of this called “The Dead Walk” by Michael Allen Holmes. I invite you to leave ugly trolling comments like everyone else does : ) . I’ve been following KJ’s work for over a year now and it’s really made an influence in my life for the better. Thank you and God bless

  • Niamh Ryan

    Hi there KJ. Ah Man loving this funky new website. Jeez poor ol’ Michelle/Michael. She’ll/He’ll never get any peace and quiet now when every one is concentrating on his/her bits. Sending you an almighty hug. Talk again soon.

  • Kurt Koben

    Who are you to decide whats right and wrong?
    If a man wants to be gay so be it, there is no need to start a witch huntm we are all living in this world together and we are all connected as one being. I find it repulsive and sick that you “Jesus worshippers” in 2017 still are calling homosexuality a sin, like gay people are some sort of demonic possession and people who like same sex must burn in hell. As i see it your catholic church has claimed more lives than any other religion combined in the name of the “Lord and savior”. I know individuals from various religions, even know satanists and islamic people and there are good in each and everyone of them, like i know there are many good christian people out there.
    Just accept there are people with different point of view who validates the same that you do and meet on the middle otherwise we’re just gonna be stuck in the same wheel of pain we have been in for 1000’s of years now.

  • TryToUseYourBrain

    That looked like a penis to me – might be just a fold, but I have held my own manhood many times in my life exactly that same way and it sure looked like the same mannerisms that my own body language shows doing the same thing – but I will concede that it is still not 100% proof on it’s own.

    I do feel like he is a he though as there are many other tells that lean in that direction.

    I have heard the 3 times during a public speech that Barry did slip and say Michael, and that seems like a pretty strange accident if it happened once, maybe just a coincidence if it happened twice, but 3 times seems pretty unlikely in my opinion, still not 100% though!

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