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If you are seeking truth you MUST see THIS film

This is the story of filmmaker David Crowley. He was working on a film called Gray State which was exposing the Illuminati/Masonic plan for the New World Order. There is so much in this film I could talk about. Please watch for yourself and leave your comments below. Was he set up? Murdered? Freemasons or Illuminati? Did he lose his mind going too deep in the rabbit hole? Did he and his wife open themselves up to demonic spirits? Why was his wife ‘hearing voices’? And the list goes on.

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10 thoughts on “If you are seeking truth you MUST see THIS film

  • Ron Laster

    I think he knew to much

  • Peter Marsh

    A guy who is mentally strong, who is dedicated to his family and has a project that motivates him. Steadily goes into a deep spiral? No way. That doesn’t add up. I believe the support his project had, made people in power nervous and they used energy weapons to influence his mental state.

    • David G

      I was going to say perhaps he was drugged but your point of energy weapons perfectly fits this situation. That was they could make him appear to be unstable and give him a reason to go off the deep end and murder his family. SMH

  • David G

    This man and his family were murdered by the deep state. This is perfect scenario to demonize a ‘conspiracy theorist.” No one who is awake believes this is suicide. Total BS

  • Robert Sedeke Downes

    David and his wife were clearly possessed by evil spirits. Komel described the devil speaking to her in the documentary. David had a spirit of narcissism that was revealed in his preparation for his meeting with the Hollywood producers and the controlling way he dealt with his friends, family, and associates. It sounds like his daughter was possessed too. Their demise was orchestrated by the evil spirits in them which they had no protection against. Unfortunately, the Crowleys were just puppets in the hands of the devils who controlled them.

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:16-20

    • Robert Sedeke Downes

      After reading Mark M’s comments on my post, and praying to Yehovah Elohim about it, I decided that my original post needed further clarification.

      First the Matthew 7:16-20 passage is a spiritual law which applies to any entity – whether they are a physical being or a spirit. The tree in Matthew 7:16-20 represents the entity of concern and the fruit is what the entity does. You can tell who you are dealing with by observing what the person does.

      For example, we define people by their professions such as policemen and policewomen, lawyers, doctors, filmmakers, etc. Most people know Steven Spielberg as a film director – he is defined in part by what he does. We also know people by other things they do such as someone who is addicted to pornography is known as a porn addict. Another person who obsessively bets on sporting events and always buys lotto tickets, and often goes to the casinos we call a compulsive gambler.

      Likewise you can identify an evil spirit by the particular behavior it drives a person to do. So an evil spirit of lying drives a person that has that evil spirit in him or her to lie compulsively. An evil spirit of murder could drive a person with that evil spirit in him or her to be a serial killer.

      SHADDAY (Holy Spirit) also has some qualities. Some of them are given in the Bible book Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 through 23:

      But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
      Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

      So saints, or those in dwelt by NESHAMAH SHADDAY should express NESHAMAH SHADDAY’s characteristics or fruit in their daily lives.

      Yehovah Elohim (the God of the Biblical Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who includes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) will judge any entity whether human being or evil spirit for what he or she or it does. If the entity doesn’t do good it will as Matthew chapter 7 verse 20 (Matthew 7:20) says be “hewn down, and cast into the fire”. Hewn means to cut down and the fire represents the eternal flames of hell.

      Evil spirits can only do evil so they are already doomed to hell.

      That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath. Job 21:30
      The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17
      The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Proverbs 16:4

      Evil spirits wander space, the sky, the earth, the water, and beneath the earth looking for human beings to control, and carry out their wicked deeds through.

      In the dark they dig through houses, they had marked for themselves in the daytime: they know not the light. Job 24:16

      Houses in this scripture represent people’s bodies and souls. Evil spirits consider human beings houses for them to reside in. Yehovah Elohim considers a person’s spirit as a home for Neshamah Shadday to reside in. The spirit of a person resides in a person’s body or house under most conditions. Yehovah Elohim doesn’t want to share a house with any evil spirits and the evil spirits do not want to share a house with Yehovah Elohim. When you have both Yehovah Elohim in the person of Neshamah Shadday and an evil spirit or evil spirits living in the same house then that house or person in considered demonized. It is the responsibility of the person to work with Neshamah Shadday to either kick the evil spirits out of himself or herself or kill the evil spirits in himself or herself. This process is called deliverance.

      When only an evil spirit or evil spirits reside in a house the person with the evil spirit or evil spirits is known as being possessed. When a person is attacked or influenced by an evil spirit outside of his or her body this is called oppression. If a saint only has Neshamah Shadday in his or her spirit which resides in the body or house of that person, then that saint is considered clean or pure of all evil spirits.

      In the Job 24:16 scripture above, evil spirits are described as digging into people’s bodies at night often through their dreams, that they had marked for entry during the day. Yes, evil spirits often enter the dreams of people and attempt to live in the people through covenants or agreements the evil spirits make with people in their dreams. Now you know where Wes Craven got his idea for Nightmare on Elm Street from – it is based on reality.


      The New World Order (NWO) is a scheme contrived by Satan and his army of evil spirits or devils. It is simply put, one world government, one world religion, and one world currency run by Satan’s tyrant the antichrist. The devils have primarily advanced the NWO through possessing the world leaders in government and business over thousands of years and used their power and authority to shape world policy into the NWO.

      The group of world leaders the devils have possessed are known as the Power Elite. The devils also possess or influence the masses of people ruled by the Power Elite in order to bring them into conformance with the NWO.

      Yehovah Elohim opposes the devils and the NWO primarily through their saints. Saints are the people who ask Yehoshua (Jesus Christ) to forgive their sins (known and unknown violations of Yehovah Elohim’s law) and for Yehoshua to rule over their lives.

      That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10:9-11

      The saints then begin the daily practice of obeying Yehovah Elohim in all that they do. Yehoshua said:

      If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15

      Through this practice of obedience Yehovah Elohim uses the saints to war against the devils, scatter or slay the devils, lead other human beings to become saints, and build heaven here on Earth.

      The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death. Proverbs 14:32
      When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase. Proverbs 28:28

      Yehovah Elohim looks for their saints to covenant or come into agreement with them to fight the devils or wicked, slay them and drive them out of wherever they reside. The saint is then tasked with building up the Kingdom of Yehovah Elohim in the place where the devils were.

      Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Psalm 94:16

      Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as in heaven. Matthew 6:10

      So a saint must volunteer to fight, be trained by Yehovah Elohim in spiritual warfare then overthrow the devils and their plots through warfare. Once the devils have been defeated, the saint must build up the people and territories cleared of devils to reflect heaven here on Earth.

      A Psalm of David. Blessed the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

      And of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12


      By attempting to make Gray State, David and Komel Crowley, who were still slaves to the devils during their lifetimes – essentially said “Hey devils! We are going to expose your plans to advance NWO and make a profit from it! We dare you to stop us!” The Crowleys’ daughter was an unfortunate casualty of her parents’ decision. Since the Crowleys had no relationship with Yehovah Elohim they had no one to protect them from the devils’ retaliation for their rebellion against the devils. The Crowleys tried to fight the enemy while still under the enemy’s control. This was a suicide mission.

      The Crowleys further sealed their demise through involving themselves in the occult religion or religions they mentioned. The occult religions are run by devils so they opened the door to an even greater attack from the devils.

      In order for a project like Gray State to succeed they would have had to covenant with Yehovah Elohim through asking Yehoshua for forgiveness of their sins and to become Lord of their lives. Then they would of had to obey Yehovah Elohim’s instructions for making Gray State – if Yehovah Elohim wanted Gray State to be made. Yehovah Elohim may have had other plans for them.

      This should be a lesson for both saints and future saints to obey Yehovah Elohim’s instructions succinctly when warring against devils. To do otherwise is almost certain death.

      And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. Psalm 37:40

    • Robert Sedeke Downes

      reading Mark M’s comments on my post, and praying to Yehovah Elohim about it, I
      decided that my original post needed further clarification.

      First the Matthew 7:16-20 passage is a spiritual law which applies to any entity
      – whether they are a physical being or a spirit. The tree in Matthew
      7:16-20 represents the entity of concern and the fruit is what the entity
      does. You can tell who you are dealing with by observing what the person

      For example, we define people by their professions such as policemen and
      policewomen, lawyers, doctors, filmmakers, etc. Most people know Steven
      Spielberg as a film director – he is defined in part by what he does. We
      also know people by other things they do such as someone who is addicted to
      pornography is known as a porn addict. Another person who obsessively
      bets on sporting events and always buys lotto tickets, and often goes to the
      casinos we call a compulsive gambler.

      Likewise you can identify an evil spirit by the particular behavior it drives a
      person to do. So an evil spirit of lying drives a person that has that
      evil spirit in him or her to lie compulsively. An evil spirit of murder
      could drive a person with that evil spirit in him or her to be a serial killer.

      NESHAMAH SHADDAY (Holy Spirit) also has some qualities.
      Some of them are given in the Bible book Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 through

      But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
      goodness, faith,

      Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

      So saints, or those in dwelt by NESHAMAH SHADDAY should express NESHAMAH
      SHADDAY’s characteristics or fruit in their daily lives.

      Yehovah Elohim (the God of the Biblical Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who includes
      the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) will judge any entity whether human being or
      evil spirit for what he or she or it does. If the entity doesn’t do good
      it will as Matthew chapter 7 verse 20 (Matthew 7:20) says be “hewn down,
      and cast into the fire”. Hewn means to cut down and the fire
      represents the eternal flames of hell.

      Evil spirits can only do evil so they are already doomed to hell.

      That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought
      forth to the day of wrath. Job 21:30

      The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.
      Psalm 9:17

      The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of
      evil. Proverbs 16:4

      Evil spirits wander space, the sky, the earth, the water, and beneath the earth
      looking for human beings to control, and carry out their wicked deeds through.

      In the dark they dig through houses, they had marked for themselves in the
      daytime: they know not the light. Job 24:16

      Houses in this scripture represent people’s bodies and souls. Evil
      spirits consider human beings houses for them to reside in. Yehovah
      Elohim considers a person’s spirit as a home for Neshamah Shadday to reside
      in. The spirit of a person resides in a person’s body or house under most
      conditions. Yehovah Elohim doesn’t want to share a house with any evil
      spirits and the evil spirits do not want to share a house with Yehovah
      Elohim. When you have both Yehovah Elohim in the person of Neshamah
      Shadday and an evil spirit or evil spirits living in the same house then that house
      or person in considered demonized. It is the responsibility of the person
      to work with Neshamah Shadday to either kick the evil spirits out of himself or
      herself or kill the evil spirits in himself or herself. This process is
      called deliverance.

      When only an evil spirit or evil spirits reside in a house the person with the
      evil spirit or evil spirits is known as being possessed. When a person is
      attacked or influenced by an evil spirit outside of his or her body this is
      called oppression. If a saint only has Neshamah Shadday in his or her
      spirit which resides in the body or house of that person, then that saint is
      considered clean or pure of all evil spirits.

      In the Job 24:16 scripture above, evil spirits are described as digging
      into people’s bodies at night often through their dreams, that they had marked
      for entry during the day. Yes, evil spirits often enter the dreams of
      people and attempt to live in the people through covenants or agreements the
      evil spirits make with people in their dreams. Now you know where Wes
      Craven got his idea for Nightmare on Elm Street from – it is based on reality.


      The New World Order (NWO) is a scheme contrived by Satan and his army of evil
      spirits or devils. It is simply put, one world government, one world
      religion, and one world currency run by Satan’s tyrant the antichrist.
      The devils have primarily advanced the NWO through possessing the world leaders
      in government and business over thousands of years and used their power and
      authority to shape world policy into the NWO.

      The group of world leaders the devils have possessed are known as the Power
      Elite. The devils also possess or influence the masses of people ruled by
      the Power Elite in order to bring them into conformance with the NWO.

      Yehovah Elohim opposes the devils and the NWO primarily through their
      saints. Saints are the people who ask Yehoshua (Jesus Christ) to forgive
      their sins (known and unknown violations of Yehovah Elohim’s law) and for
      Yehoshua to rule over their lives.

      That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
      thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
      confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever
      believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10:9-11

      The saints then begin the daily practice of obeying Yehovah Elohim in all that
      they do. Yehoshua said:

      If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15

      Through this practice of obedience Yehovah Elohim uses the saints to war
      against the devils, scatter or slay the devils, lead other human beings to
      become saints, and build heaven here on Earth.

      The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his
      death. Proverbs 14:32

      When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous
      increase. Proverbs 28:28

      Yehovah Elohim looks for their saints to covenant or come into agreement with
      them to fight the devils or wicked, slay them and drive them out of wherever
      they reside. The saint is then tasked with building up the Kingdom of
      Yehovah Elohim in the place where the devils were.

      Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me
      against the workers of iniquity? Psalm 94:16

      Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as in heaven. Matthew 6:10

      So a saint must volunteer to fight, be trained by Yehovah Elohim in spiritual
      warfare then overthrow the devils and their plots through warfare. Once
      the devils have been defeated, the saint must build up the people and
      territories cleared of devils to reflect heaven here on Earth.

      A Psalm of David. Blessed the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war,
      my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

      And of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the
      foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the
      breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12


      By attempting to make Gray State, David and Komel Crowley, who were still
      slaves to the devils during their lifetimes – essentially said “Hey
      devils! We are going to expose your plans to advance NWO and make a
      profit from it! We dare you to stop us!” The Crowleys’
      daughter was an unfortunate casualty of her parents’ decision. Since the
      Crowleys had no relationship with Yehovah Elohim they had no one to protect
      them from the devils’ retaliation for their rebellion against the devils.
      The Crowleys tried to fight the enemy while still under the enemy’s control.
      This was a suicide mission.

      The Crowleys further sealed their demise through involving themselves in the
      occult religion or religions they mentioned. The occult religions are run
      by devils so they opened the door to an even greater attack from the devils.

      In order for a project like Gray State to succeed they would have had to
      covenant with Yehovah Elohim through asking Yehoshua for forgiveness of their
      sins and to become Lord of their lives. Then they would of had to obey
      Yehovah Elohim’s instructions for making Gray State – if Yehovah Elohim wanted
      Gray State to be made. Yehovah Elohim may have had other plans for them.

      This should be a lesson for both saints and future saints to obey Yehovah
      Elohim’s instructions succinctly when warring against devils. To do
      otherwise is almost certain death.

      And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the
      wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. Psalm 37:40

    • Robert Sedeke Downes

      reading other comments on my post, and praying to Yehovah Elohim about it, I
      decided that my original post needed further clarification.

      First the Matthew 7:16-20 passage is a spiritual law which applies to any
      entity – whether they are a physical being or a spirit. The tree in
      Matthew 7:16-20 represents the entity of concern and the fruit is what the
      entity does. You can tell who you are dealing with by observing what the
      person does.

      For example, we define people by their professions such as policemen and
      policewomen, lawyers, doctors, filmmakers, etc. Most people know Steven
      Spielberg as a film director – he is defined in part by what he does. We
      also know people by other things they do such as someone who is addicted to pornography
      is known as a porn addict. Another person who obsessively bets on
      sporting events and always buys lotto tickets, and often goes to the casinos we
      call a compulsive gambler.

      Likewise you can identify an evil spirit by the particular behavior it drives a
      person to do. So an evil spirit of lying drives a person that has that
      evil spirit in him or her to lie compulsively. An evil spirit of murder
      could drive a person with that evil spirit in him or her to be a serial killer.

      NESHAMAH SHADDAY (Holy Spirit) also has some qualities.
      Some of them are given in the Bible book Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 through

      But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
      goodness, faith,

      Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

      So saints, or those in dwelt by NESHAMAH SHADDAY should express NESHAMAH
      SHADDAY’s characteristics or fruit in their daily lives.

      Yehovah Elohim (the God of the Biblical Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who includes
      the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) will judge any entity whether human being or
      evil spirit for what he or she or it does. If the entity doesn’t do good
      it will as Matthew chapter 7 verse 20 (Matthew 7:20) says be “hewn down,
      and cast into the fire”. Hewn means to cut down and the fire
      represents the eternal flames of hell.

      Evil spirits can only do evil so they are already doomed to hell.

      That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought
      forth to the day of wrath. Job 21:30

      The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.
      Psalm 9:17

      The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of
      evil. Proverbs 16:4

      Evil spirits wander space, the sky, the earth, the water, and beneath the earth
      looking for human beings to control, and carry out their wicked deeds through.

      In the dark they dig through houses, they had marked for themselves in the
      daytime: they know not the light. Job 24:16

      Houses in this scripture represent people’s bodies and souls. Evil
      spirits consider human beings houses for them to reside in. Yehovah
      Elohim considers a person’s spirit as a home for Neshamah Shadday to reside
      in. The spirit of a person resides in a person’s body or house under most
      conditions. Yehovah Elohim doesn’t want to share a house with any evil
      spirits and the evil spirits do not want to share a house with Yehovah
      Elohim. When you have both Yehovah Elohim in the person of Neshamah
      Shadday and an evil spirit or evil spirits living in the same house then that
      house or person in considered demonized. It is the responsibility of the
      person to work with Neshamah Shadday to either kick the evil spirits out of
      himself or herself or kill the evil spirits in himself or herself. This
      process is called deliverance.

      When only an evil spirit or evil spirits reside in a house the person with the
      evil spirit or evil spirits is known as being possessed. When a person is
      attacked or influenced by an evil spirit outside of his or her body this is
      called oppression. If a saint only has Neshamah Shadday in his or her
      spirit which resides in the body or house of that person, then that saint is
      considered clean or pure of all evil spirits.

      In the Job 24:16 scripture above, evil spirits are described as digging
      into people’s bodies at night often through their dreams, that they had marked
      for entry during the day. Yes, evil spirits often enter the dreams of
      people and attempt to live in the people through covenants or agreements the
      evil spirits make with people in their dreams. Now you know where Wes Craven
      got his idea for Nightmare on Elm Street from – it is based on reality.


      The New World Order (NWO) is a scheme contrived by Satan and his army of evil
      spirits or devils. It is simply put, one world government, one world
      religion, and one world currency run by Satan’s tyrant the antichrist.
      The devils have primarily advanced the NWO through possessing the world leaders
      in government and business over thousands of years and used their power and
      authority to shape world policy into the NWO.

      The group of world leaders the devils have possessed are known as the Power
      Elite. The devils also possess or influence the masses of people ruled by
      the Power Elite in order to bring them into conformance with the NWO.

      Yehovah Elohim opposes the devils and the NWO primarily through their
      saints. Saints are the people who ask Yehoshua (Jesus Christ) to forgive
      their sins (known and unknown violations of Yehovah Elohim’s law) and for
      Yehoshua to rule over their lives.

      That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
      thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
      confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth
      on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10:9-11

      The saints then begin the daily practice of obeying Yehovah Elohim in all that
      they do. Yehoshua said:

      If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15

      Through this practice of obedience Yehovah Elohim uses the saints to war
      against the devils, scatter or slay the devils, lead other human beings to
      become saints, and build heaven here on Earth.

      The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his
      death. Proverbs 14:32

      When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous
      increase. Proverbs 28:28

      Yehovah Elohim looks for their saints to covenant or come into agreement with
      them to fight the devils or wicked, slay them and drive them out of wherever
      they reside. The saint is then tasked with building up the Kingdom of
      Yehovah Elohim in the place where the devils were.

      Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me
      against the workers of iniquity? Psalm 94:16

      Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as in heaven. Matthew 6:10

      So a saint must volunteer to fight, be trained by Yehovah Elohim in spiritual
      warfare then overthrow the devils and their plots through warfare. Once
      the devils have been defeated, the saint must build up the people and
      territories cleared of devils to reflect heaven here on Earth.

      A Psalm of David. Blessed the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war,
      my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

      And of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the
      foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the
      breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12


      By attempting to make Gray State, David and Komel Crowley, who were still
      slaves to the devils during their lifetimes – essentially said “Hey
      devils! We are going to expose your plans to advance NWO and make a
      profit from it! We dare you to stop us!” The Crowleys’
      daughter was an unfortunate casualty of her parents’ decision. Since the
      Crowleys had no relationship with Yehovah Elohim they had no one to protect
      them from the devils’ retaliation for their rebellion against the devils.
      The Crowleys tried to fight the enemy while still under the enemy’s
      control. This was a suicide mission.

      The Crowleys further sealed their demise through involving themselves in the
      occult religion or religions they mentioned. The occult religions are run
      by devils so they opened the door to an even greater attack from the devils.

      In order for a project like Gray State to succeed they would have had to
      covenant with Yehovah Elohim through asking Yehoshua for forgiveness of their
      sins and to become Lord of their lives. Then they would of had to obey
      Yehovah Elohim’s instructions for making Gray State – if Yehovah Elohim wanted
      Gray State to be made. Yehovah Elohim may have had other plans for them.

      This should be a lesson for both saints and future saints to obey Yehovah
      Elohim’s instructions succinctly when warring against devils. To do
      otherwise is almost certain death.

      And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the
      wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. Psalm 37:40

  • Mark M

    I believe that the Crowley home was invaded by a demonic spirit, and that the Crowleys were oppressed, not possessed, by this spirit. There is a difference between these things. The child was not demon possessed. It would not be necessary at all for the spirit involved to take possession of the child. It didn’t even have to take full possession of David or Komel. It could destroy this little family through oppression and deception. Raniya would go down with the parents as a mere matter of course.
    To say that David “had a spirit of narcissism” is both an insufficient explanation on the one hand, given the capabilities of the spirit involved, and a condemnatory stretch on the other hand, via pointing to David as the one most susceptible to the spirit’s influence and control, and as the one who ultimately is responsible for the tragedy. The spirit involved is far worse than one that induces mere “narcissism” in an individual. This is a spirit capable of driving people behind the agenda to actually carry it out, in all of its utterly and extensively evil extremes; and a spirit who is directly interested in silencing anyone like David who has the potential of exposing the entire thing.
    David was no narcissist. He was a highly intelligent, perceptive, astute, analytical, disciplined, motivated person. We could even say he was driven in connection with all these qualities of character. But that is no indication of outright narcissism in David to the point of it becoming a destructive disorder leading to this tragedy, whether alleged “narcissism” is brought on by demonic forces or not. I also do not believe, as some do, that he snapped from PTSD and from gazing too deeply into the abyss of the NWO/Police State agenda. He was a person awakened to that agenda. He even perceived who the persons are who are largely behind the promotion of that agenda. Yet neither “narcissism” as a purely psychological disorder or illness nor “narcissism” resulting from demonic possession explains what happened in this case. Attributing the tragedy to “narcissism” from either angle is simply too simplistic. Lack of trust in and suspicions about the Hollywood producers does not conclusively indicate “narcissism” in David. He simply knew what he wanted to do with his own project, and was firm in maintaining his own control of it. Firm to an extreme? Maybe. But no variety of “narcissism”, regardless of the source, explains what happened here.
    Quoting Matthew 7:16-20 is far from confirming the theory proposed by Mr. Downes who, in fact, has lifted the passage from its proper context. Jesus is not talking about demonic spirits or possession in that context. He is referring to false teachers and prophets who fail to truly follow Him, and who in turn also lead others away from Himself, the Gospel, and the genuine Christian life. He is making the distinctions between those who truly believe in and follow Him and those who do not. But this is clear only when one considers the context of the statements in Matthew 7:16-20. The immediate context begins at 7:13 and closes with 7:29. Indeed, does one desire to fully understand Matthew 7:16-20? Does one want to connect all the dots, and study what Christ means in systematic, interrelated fashion? Well, then, one would do well to take in the whole of Christ’s “Sermon on the Mount”, as it is known, which actually begins at Matthew 5:1.
    If one wants to understand and correctly identify demonic oppression and possession, one must study it where it is actually set forth in the Scriptures. Go to the following link and examine the passages set forth from Nave’s Topical arrangement of such passages:
    There are a variety of physical and verbal manifestations which can be noted in biblical case histories where full blown possession was the factor.
    We actually do not see these particular manifestations of full blown possession in the Crowley case.
    But that they were attacked, oppressed, and deceived by an evil spirit… this we do see.
    Mr. Downes is like many who are resolved to cast the entire blame for this tragedy upon David Crowley. Many who blame David explain it purely in psychological terms. This is the view of the director of the documentary, and of the reporter, Tom Lyden, whose perspective is included in the doc. To them it was a case of one descending into mere madness and then doing the unthinkable. They reject the supernatural aspects entirely. Mr. Downes combines the two ideas. He is correct to recognize that there is a demonic side to all this, but fails to make necessary distinctions between demonic oppression and deception, and demonic possession. He also fails to understand things within proper biblical context. He should study his Bible more carefully.
    And why has no one (to my knowledge) considered that Komel was just as physically capable of doing the killing as David was? Folk seem to focus exclusively upon David, or upon an outside assassin at the behest of the deep state, as the killer. Don’t get me wrong. It is extremely hard for me to consider that Komel may have done this, even more than to consider that David may have done it. But under the circumstances, I think that either one may have done so. The invasion of the Crowley home and family began with Komel. I think this is clear from what we see and hear in the documentary. Yet both came under demonic attack, oppression, and deception, and both apparently succumbed to it in the end. I fear that David and Komel discussed and planned the tragedy based upon the workings of the evil spirit that was communicating deception to Komel in particular, and got to David as well, and that either the one or the other did the killing.
    We know that the words “Allah Akbar” were written in blood on a wall at the Crowley home. A Koran was found there. Now, as far as I can tell, David had no Muslim background. Komel did have that background. If she did the killing, this explains readily enough what was found on the wall. If David did the killing, then it indicates he concluded, apparently with Komel, that “Allah” was “the source” of the communications they received from the spiritual realm.
    It was entirely unnecessary for the child to be possessed, as Mr. Downes imagines. She was certainly attacked, just like David and Komel were. In fact, there is a part in the documentary that appears to me to reveal that the child was being attacked by the evil spirit in the basement at one point. Watch and listen in the doc from 59:45:00 to 1:01:27. Listen to how David’s friend describes the vibe he picked up at the little girl’s birthday party. Look at the little one’s expression in one of the photos taken at the party. You’ll know the one I mean when you see it. And then listen to the fear and panic in her voice down in that basement. Note her reaction when she sees her dad looking down at the top of the stairs.
    Clearly, she was under severe attack by the evil spirit. That monster was doing what such spirits do, even to little children. But this was not an indication of full blown possession. Oppression by a demon spirit and consequent fear in the victim are not the same thing as possession. Moreover, the evil spirit could achieve its objective by working entirely through the parents, using deceptive communications with them as a primary tool; and all without possessing either the parents or the child, in fact.
    Incidentally, one of David’s friends, at 1:02:05 through 1:02:35 of the doc, says something very interesting. He tells us that when he had talked with David at a certain point in time, David was no longer talking about Christianity, but about alternative types of religion… “spiritualism”, “the resonance of the universe”, “transcendental philosophy”, “connecting to higher levels of consciousness”. His friend says, “Whatever that was, David tapped into it.”
    I suspect that this combined alternative to Christianity, and the Crowleys embrace of it, served as the portal, if you will, that was used by the demonic spirit to enter their lives and wreak its havoc upon them. They did not understand what was happening to them, although Komel certainly expressed her apprehensions about “the source” of what was being communicated to them, at 1:11:45 through 1:12:00 of the doc. Start, though, at 1:10:25 and listen closely from there to 1:12:00.
    This is so, so incredibly sad and unfortunate. It is heartbreaking. For who could have known the Crowleys personally, and who with a heart at all could watch this documentary, or simply look at photos and film of them elsewhere, even from an unacquainted distance, without being touched by them? They were a beautiful little family. Only the utterly cold and heartless among men would observe any of this from any angle or perspective and be indifferent to it.
    As for me, I sigh and hang my head over it. If only David and Komel had been born again Christians, devoted to Christ on biblical terms, and been led and enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Scripture He inspired, they would have known what was happening, they would have resisted the evil spirit in the Name and in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and this tragedy would not have taken place.
    Let all concerned be advised here.
    If you are a truth movement advocate, a researcher, analyst, activist, and so on, and seek to understand and thwart the Luciferian agenda of the power elite, you are most definitely pitted against more than just the flesh and blood elites themselves. You are pitted against Satan and quite the host of demonic spirits. Only in God’s grace and power, and on strict biblical grounds, can you find true guidance and protection against these monsters. For the elite have in effect sold their souls to the Devil. Some at their behest are errand boys, mere tools, deceived by the overall ideology at the political level, and simply follow the orders of their human handlers, without realizing that the source of the ideology is the ancient spirit of antichrist. Most if not all of the elite at the top understand this only too well. They are practicing Satanists or Luciferians, knowingly following the occult doctrines of assorted secret societies which, again, are derived from the spirit of antichrist. Therefore, if one is not a regenerate Christian, one spiritually reborn of the Holy Spirit, and if one does not see and understand all of life (not just the NWO Luciferian agenda) through the lens of the Holy Scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit, i.e., through the daily process and practice of biblical discernment and living (see the 1st and 119th Psalms for insight into what all this entails, along with the interrelated passages found in both Testaments)… I tell you that, in a word, if you are not rightly related to God through the Person and Work of Christ on behalf of believing sinners (justification), and are not enlightened and led by the Holy Spirit via genuine biblical teaching practically embraced and applied (sanctification) by the sheer grace of God, you are subject to severe attack from Satan and demonic spirits that do his bidding, and at every point of human life and endeavor.
    Incidentally, the Devil and demons do not care how you understand or relate to the Luciferian agenda. You may mock the claims of the entire truth movement, and it may be you will not consider at all that your life is in any way being controlled by the Luciferian power elite. You might live in and leave this fallen world, the wicked beast system, and actually escape the brutalities of the coming Police State, more or less physically unscathed. You may be gone when it all comes down to what David Crowley and many others have warned about at that level of things.
    And the Devil and demons don’t fret too much about that.
    Be advised as to what they do want, and what they’ll get, even if you are not a tragic victim of the system they are behind.
    They have an ally within, one identified in Scripture from cover to cover as “the flesh”; i.e., the fallen human nature that we were all born with. They need not intervene in any direct way, they need not oppress or possess you, or take you out through their NWO system. If they can simply count on you to be oblivious unto physical death to the necessity of being spiritually resurrected from a state of death in trespasses and sins, they’ll get what they want. They desire simply that you never receive Christ as your Savior and submit to Him as your Lord, and live a biblical life. They want you to join them in hell… forever. If this is your status, dear reader, if you are spiritually dead in trespasses and sin, and you are never born again of the Holy Spirit by the free grace of God, and on this side of the grave, hell is where you will end up. If you leave this world in a condition of spiritual death, you will join the Devil, demonic spirits, the Luciferian power elite, and all other unregenerate souls and spirits in a state of eternal separation from God.
    If you are not rightly related to God in Christ, please… please… read the materials at the following links:
    Ultimate Questions, by John Blanchard
    Coming to Faith in Christ, by John Benton

  • Mark M

    I posted some observations here yesterday evening. A little over an hour later, my post vanished. I wonder if I might be entitled to know who would, or could, delete my post… and why.
    With Respect,
    Mark M

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