34 thoughts on “Here’s What They SECRETLY Told Us During SUPER BOWL (2016)”
This #1 Hot New Release as listed on AMAZON shows you how YOU can use the SYMBOLS OF FREEMASONRY to IMPROVE YOUR LIFE!! Grab your copy now: http://amzn.to/2dXSnal
Madonna is a man
Brought to you by the same kind of people that maintain the Egyptian pyramids were built by slave labor…when Archaeology shows vastly different evidence.
Wow KJ you're really reaching bro.
It would be nice if you blind followers of a made up religion wouldn't make anymore videos. Or at least learn and research the history of your religion and satanism before you just blindly state facts and lies as truth. You can follow your religion blindly, I dont care, just have some responsibility when reporting. People connect the world conspiracy to crazy because of people like this who make videos like this. Grow the fuck up!
Willem Defoe played Jesus in the last temptation
Oh man I'm hungry lets go to Horas Bell and have Horas pepsi, don't forget to look at scrying mirror T.V. Wow what fun, and don't forget to eat your Horas snickers, yummy, LOL LOL.
meh i kinda wish they would let us know whats going on so i can get on the team
JesusChrist is coming soon beloved children beloved bride beloved church repent and surrender before is to late amen hallelujah glory hallelujah king of victory king of glory king of every nation shall come like a thief at night just repent beloved children repent beloved people of the world just repent His forgiveness is for everyone and anyone who calls upon forgiveness and His precious Beloved Glory Honor Name Jesus Christ who is to come very quickly hallelujah glory hallelujah king Grace king of Salvation thanks for mercy grace in Jesus blood and name Christ Savior king Lord of all beloved bride beloved church repent and come to our God amen.
pepsi upside down also means is dead and for everyt letter PEPSI – Pay Every Pence Save Israel
Great video!
There is a change in the personality of a member of the Masons with the higher they progress to the 33 degree where they become narcissistic. And this is something psychologists avoid. It results in corruption, privilege, and attitude where they are above the law as they will always win against non Masons. If both are Mason, then the decision will be made on other criteria but the loser will be compensated.
I think its wonderful? When these zionist, demonic, ass rooting, child raping, Blood lusting freaks have destroyed the world when they collapse the cultures or dollar? either /or? finding a mason to make squeel/talk and expose the destroyers of the world would be a very nice handy assett? these people have thought it mysterious and trendy but now we know the people, who are directly related to the fall of the mind, value and cilvilisation for the average Goyimslave? Even theough they have had their hand in just about every event since the fall of the roman empire I would state they still employ the very same strategies they have used throughtout the ages including paying/funding religous migrations from other nations, in which they have a hand in the fall? Economic troubles by over migrations and jobs eg NAFTA ? over expexnsion and over spending of millitary?Government corruption and political instability, attempted migration of syrian refugees and the migration of radical islam? Christianity and loss of traditional values? weakening of milliary support funding in terms of the way veterans are treated once they have returned from wars PTSD, mental disorders, substace abuse, homelessness, suicide rates? A stricking resemblence? Given these are the same upward pressures faced today by the USA people and have been created due to an effort by the elite, zionists with brided and corrupted politians for the destruction of the symbol of western civilisation? I have no doubt that in the separation of the Negro jews from imposterJew people by the Romans ending with the Jewel of GOD CROWN which were the negro Jews (original) having thier religion, culture, bretherian stolen by those imposters of roman blood? then being enslaved and purchased to rebuild the kingdom of the USA was a sick joke to the Masons? The worst was to come with ww1 and the non jew imposter using the USA (built up by the original hebrew cannanites was a twisted satanic joke on the BIBLE that will be rectified on the day of judgement?) and the zionist jewish funded elite to focus on Germany and initiate war? After they zionists cripple the economy and jobs the German were forced to defend their honor and economy? This was deliberatly exectuted by the mason, zionist, jew, islamic brother hood in order to get Palestine for the fake jews? this became ever so important because of the spiritual significance and link to the heavenly father and the son in Jesus Christ and the holy capital? The very fact the original jews were replace with the imposters show the legths satan will go to mock the heavenly father? Satan has now replaced the jews with fakes and the original caananites are enslaved in the USA? IRONIC but deliberate? Satan continued with the mocking using ww1 as a false flag for aquiring palestine. satan was also responsible for the creation of islam in which he will use through out the ages in his quest to take the earth as his throne and as the ruler? Satan will use terror and the 911 as the trigger for his NWO? I would also say the the illuminatic work to make it look like profercy to make their movement look straight out of the bible? this is done for a reason? but the whole deception is now in full swing? the illuminati with satan , zionists, imposter jews, arrabs and Islam are impersinating the holy trinity which was designed to give credibility when if fact they use the bible to make their GOD Lufifer smarted then the heavenly father? either way the signifiance and links with the fall of rome and a redistribution of the wealth , history, finances is how this group operate and it s the same deal. Keep things busy and noone can ever work out whats happening? The only good thing is that we know who are invloved and what they have planned to bring Satan to the earth? I would hope people follow the bush's ,clintons, and associates and this should tell alot into the plannings? I am sure if the establishment want to arrest the culprites they could? but when you are fighting with the devil people get scared? the devil cant hurt, he will use people to do his evil? satan is stuck cast out and has no options but to corrupt? however the reason he doesnt harrass you is because he is scared of the christan s which is why they have done all they can to murder them? in the middle east? we know their game? I would say take these people head on because if we dont the whole world is at risk of falling and with the agenda to depopulate the world by 95% by 2030 then time is running out and these criminal will be hunting us down? This is a fight for our souls? N TESLA described the earth as being alive? The elite seem determined at using climate change as the reason to depoppulate? im starting to realise the civilisation that were wiped out by disease were probably a victum of the murderous tratitions, religions and teaching of this lots up the top of the pyramid? I would think given a chanc3 for life over death the human race could get back to loving and protecting the earth then the elite would want? he is wanting to kill the GODLY Creation as he is a bitter, twisted soul? Given a chance to be free from a ruler and money we must make the change to live? we have gone the wrong way which is the reason satan has risen up off the backof technology which is essentially black majic? Un less we use non polluting technologies and change the money system ie people need to do things for themselves then we will be wiped out and satan will make it happen? this is the last chance? the end time are here? the NWO will be your end? make no mistake? what would you do if you had the greed of the elite? you must think like the enemy to realise the grave danger we are in? Make the change and start to live with nothing as god intended? Everything is in the bible? their is only one true god in the heavenly father? the rest are imposter and reflective of sataic pollution of your senses? they have already been killing us through the foods so we have low sperm in the future generations? they are killing you and they dont care? they think they are above the law but their is only one law The heavenly Fathers and we must protect these laws for our life and soul is at steak? God Bless https://www.facebook.com/notes/faith-dyson/how-tesla-proved-the-earth-is-flat-and-alive-and-conscious-at-the-same-time/10153300531119677/
I thought that it was just me because I was baffled by Dafoe in that snickers commercial. I was also a bit scared when I saw him in playing the devil. We also have to be careful with our clothing and jewelry like the skulls…I never bought into that "fad".
I think you may have been stretching on a few of these but all in all great video
I don't drink any soda or eat fast food but if I did just more to boycott
Sent you a private message. Important info I just wanted to share with you for your browsing pleasure in case you wanna learn something interesting. Have a blessed day KJ. ;)
the awakening grows, the illumanti grows just as fast. they thrive off lies and deception. we thrive off transparency, critical thinking and finding facts…..screw this evil illumanti deception. I will not participate nor stand fully idle while they silently work to enslave humanity. knowledge humanity and wholesomeness and compassion are our greatest allies. God bless everyone. and a merry fucking Christmas to ya to lol.
Hey KJ, it's been a while… 🙂 Just a thought – what if the rider on the white horse of Revelation is actually the Good Guy that the Old Testament says is coming? (Daniel 12:1, Isaiah 32:1, Ezekiel 34-37, Zechariah 3-11, Jeremiah 23:5, 30:9) — "Messiah the Prince/The Branch/David/Zerubabel" who rebuilds the temple in Jerusalem? (Daniel 9:25).
Could the New Testament be a Greek/Roman creation (It was only originally written in Greek) to get us away from everything the prophets foretold? I encourage you to read through those "Old Testament" scriptures before you tell me "the Prince" is Jesus, because according to Daniel 11:22, the Prince is killed and according to Ezekiel 40-48 He resumes sacrifices, which Paul says is not necessary according to verses like Hebrews 10:18.
What's the truth?
Love you man. Shalom :)
what is the music you use in this video? its so chill :D
I enjoy your videos. There is one however, that stands out and I can no longer find it, " THE SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE". Did they take it down? And if so I can see why. Would you kindly tell me how I may locate it? Thanks.
I stopped watching television years ago. I don't miss it at all, in fact when I visit someone with a TV on the shows and commercials seem like an insult to my intelligence and annoy the crap out of me. Regarding the a$$ clowns called the illuminati. These people have no grasp on history. The origin of the illuminati was in Europe hundreds of years ago by a few guys who wanted to debunk superstition. They know nothing about Egyptian history Horus, Inubus, Osiris, Isis ect. Commercials in general are meant to subliminally get you to buy stuff, they always have been. Satanic clowns, enjoy eternity in hell, Do you think money will help you then? Your leader Satan is a looser and king of lies. Your just poor souls who fell for his parlor tricks. I pity you to some extent, just please keep your madness and violence within your little club and leave the people who choose family, God and love out of your childish ignorant games.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR VIDEOS.KJ,can you make a video on the difference of ANCIENT EGYPT TECH VS THE ILLUMINATTI'S SATANIC DOCTRINES.keep up the good work.
Actually the 4th horse is Death.
their plan will not succeed these evil devils are destined to fail and suffer.
I thank the cop who got my kid kicked outta Mason school.Thx Officer Daily! I used to hate you-my kid is struggling but…You did a great thing.
I'm awake because of people like you. Thank you.
religion is korrupt. Even christianity. i do believe in Jesus . the fathers true. only the true will set You free. the truh Will get you to the holy ghost. the truth is Jesus
this is off wikipedia
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, in his 1916 novel The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (filmed in 1921 and in 1962), provides an early example of this interpretation, writing "The horseman on the white horse was clad in a showy and barbarous attire. […] While his horse continued galloping, he was bending his bow in order to spread pestilence abroad. At his back swung the brass quiver filled with poisoned arrows, containing the germs of all diseases."[12]
As sinister and dark as this all is, i however enjoy it and think its so cool to be in a world full of occults and secrets. Its thrilling.
This #1 Hot New Release as listed on AMAZON shows you how YOU can use the SYMBOLS OF FREEMASONRY to IMPROVE YOUR LIFE!! Grab your copy now: http://amzn.to/2dXSnal
Madonna is a man
Brought to you by the same kind of people that maintain the Egyptian pyramids were built by slave labor…when Archaeology shows vastly different evidence.
Wow KJ you're really reaching bro.
It would be nice if you blind followers of a made up religion wouldn't make anymore videos. Or at least learn and research the history of your religion and satanism before you just blindly state facts and lies as truth. You can follow your religion blindly, I dont care, just have some responsibility when reporting. People connect the world conspiracy to crazy because of people like this who make videos like this. Grow the fuck up!
Willem Defoe played Jesus in the last temptation
Oh man I'm hungry lets go to Horas Bell and have Horas pepsi, don't forget to look at scrying mirror T.V. Wow what fun, and don't forget to eat your Horas snickers, yummy, LOL LOL.
meh i kinda wish they would let us know whats going on so i can get on the team
JesusChrist is coming soon beloved children beloved bride beloved church repent and surrender before is to late amen hallelujah glory hallelujah king of victory king of glory king of every nation shall come like a thief at night just repent beloved children repent beloved people of the world just repent His forgiveness is for everyone and anyone who calls upon forgiveness and His precious Beloved Glory Honor Name Jesus Christ who is to come very quickly hallelujah glory hallelujah king Grace king of Salvation thanks for mercy grace in Jesus blood and name Christ Savior king Lord of all beloved bride beloved church repent and come to our God amen.
pepsi upside down also means is dead and for everyt letter PEPSI – Pay Every Pence Save Israel
Great video!
There is a change in the personality of a member of the Masons with the higher they progress to the 33 degree where they become narcissistic. And this is something psychologists avoid. It results in corruption, privilege, and attitude where they are above the law as they will always win against non Masons. If both are Mason, then the decision will be made on other criteria but the loser will be compensated.
12:02 – "Masonry" LOL
I think its wonderful? When these zionist, demonic, ass rooting, child raping, Blood lusting freaks have destroyed the world when they collapse the cultures or dollar? either /or? finding a mason to make squeel/talk and expose the destroyers of the world would be a very nice handy assett? these people have thought it mysterious and trendy but now we know the people, who are directly related to the fall of the mind, value and cilvilisation for the average Goyimslave? Even theough they have had their hand in just about every event since the fall of the roman empire I would state they still employ the very same strategies they have used throughtout the ages including paying/funding religous migrations from other nations, in which they have a hand in the fall? Economic troubles by over migrations and jobs eg NAFTA ? over expexnsion and over spending of millitary?Government corruption and political instability, attempted migration of syrian refugees and the migration of radical islam? Christianity and loss of traditional values? weakening of milliary support funding in terms of the way veterans are treated once they have returned from wars PTSD, mental disorders, substace abuse, homelessness, suicide rates? A stricking resemblence? Given these are the same upward pressures faced today by the USA people and have been created due to an effort by the elite, zionists with brided and corrupted politians for the destruction of the symbol of western civilisation? I have no doubt that in the separation of the Negro jews from imposterJew people by the Romans ending with the Jewel of GOD CROWN which were the negro Jews (original) having thier religion, culture, bretherian stolen by those imposters of roman blood? then being enslaved and purchased to rebuild the kingdom of the USA was a sick joke to the Masons? The worst was to come with ww1 and the non jew imposter using the USA (built up by the original hebrew cannanites was a twisted satanic joke on the BIBLE that will be rectified on the day of judgement?) and the zionist jewish funded elite to focus on Germany and initiate war? After they zionists cripple the economy and jobs the German were forced to defend their honor and economy? This was deliberatly exectuted by the mason, zionist, jew, islamic brother hood in order to get Palestine for the fake jews? this became ever so important because of the spiritual significance and link to the heavenly father and the son in Jesus Christ and the holy capital? The very fact the original jews were replace with the imposters show the legths satan will go to mock the heavenly father? Satan has now replaced the jews with fakes and the original caananites are enslaved in the USA? IRONIC but deliberate? Satan continued with the mocking using ww1 as a false flag for aquiring palestine. satan was also responsible for the creation of islam in which he will use through out the ages in his quest to take the earth as his throne and as the ruler? Satan will use terror and the 911 as the trigger for his NWO? I would also say the the illuminatic work to make it look like profercy to make their movement look straight out of the bible? this is done for a reason? but the whole deception is now in full swing? the illuminati with satan , zionists, imposter jews, arrabs and Islam are impersinating the holy trinity which was designed to give credibility when if fact they use the bible to make their GOD Lufifer smarted then the heavenly father? either way the signifiance and links with the fall of rome and a redistribution of the wealth , history, finances is how this group operate and it s the same deal. Keep things busy and noone can ever work out whats happening? The only good thing is that we know who are invloved and what they have planned to bring Satan to the earth? I would hope people follow the bush's ,clintons, and associates and this should tell alot into the plannings? I am sure if the establishment want to arrest the culprites they could? but when you are fighting with the devil people get scared? the devil cant hurt, he will use people to do his evil? satan is stuck cast out and has no options but to corrupt? however the reason he doesnt harrass you is because he is scared of the christan s which is why they have done all they can to murder them? in the middle east? we know their game? I would say take these people head on because if we dont the whole world is at risk of falling and with the agenda to depopulate the world by 95% by 2030 then time is running out and these criminal will be hunting us down? This is a fight for our souls? N TESLA described the earth as being alive? The elite seem determined at using climate change as the reason to depoppulate? im starting to realise the civilisation that were wiped out by disease were probably a victum of the murderous tratitions, religions and teaching of this lots up the top of the pyramid? I would think given a chanc3 for life over death the human race could get back to loving and protecting the earth then the elite would want? he is wanting to kill the GODLY Creation as he is a bitter, twisted soul? Given a chance to be free from a ruler and money we must make the change to live? we have gone the wrong way which is the reason satan has risen up off the backof technology which is essentially black majic? Un less we use non polluting technologies and change the money system ie people need to do things for themselves then we will be wiped out and satan will make it happen? this is the last chance? the end time are here? the NWO will be your end? make no mistake? what would you do if you had the greed of the elite? you must think like the enemy to realise the grave danger we are in? Make the change and start to live with nothing as god intended? Everything is in the bible? their is only one true god in the heavenly father? the rest are imposter and reflective of sataic pollution of your senses? they have already been killing us through the foods so we have low sperm in the future generations? they are killing you and they dont care? they think they are above the law but their is only one law The heavenly Fathers and we must protect these laws for our life and soul is at steak? God Bless
I thought that it was just me because I was baffled by Dafoe in that snickers commercial. I was also a bit scared when I saw him in playing the devil. We also have to be careful with our clothing and jewelry like the skulls…I never bought into that "fad".
I think you may have been stretching on a few of these but all in all great video
I don't drink any soda or eat fast food but if I did just more to boycott
Sent you a private message. Important info I just wanted to share with you for your browsing pleasure in case you wanna learn something interesting. Have a blessed day KJ. ;)
the awakening grows, the illumanti grows just as fast. they thrive off lies and deception. we thrive off transparency, critical thinking and finding facts…..screw this evil illumanti deception. I will not participate nor stand fully idle while they silently work to enslave humanity. knowledge humanity and wholesomeness and compassion are our greatest allies. God bless everyone. and a merry fucking Christmas to ya to lol.
Hey KJ, it's been a while… 🙂 Just a thought – what if the rider on the white horse of Revelation is actually the Good Guy that the Old Testament says is coming? (Daniel 12:1, Isaiah 32:1, Ezekiel 34-37, Zechariah 3-11, Jeremiah 23:5, 30:9) — "Messiah the Prince/The Branch/David/Zerubabel" who rebuilds the temple in Jerusalem? (Daniel 9:25).
Could the New Testament be a Greek/Roman creation (It was only originally written in Greek) to get us away from everything the prophets foretold? I encourage you to read through those "Old Testament" scriptures before you tell me "the Prince" is Jesus, because according to Daniel 11:22, the Prince is killed and according to Ezekiel 40-48 He resumes sacrifices, which Paul says is not necessary according to verses like Hebrews 10:18.
What's the truth?
Love you man. Shalom :)
what is the music you use in this video? its so chill :D
I enjoy your videos. There is one however, that stands out and I can no longer find it, " THE SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE". Did they take it down? And if so I can see why. Would you kindly tell me how I may locate it? Thanks.
I stopped watching television years ago. I don't miss it at all, in fact when I visit someone with a TV on the shows and commercials seem like an insult to my intelligence and annoy the crap out of me. Regarding the a$$ clowns called the illuminati. These people have no grasp on history. The origin of the illuminati was in Europe hundreds of years ago by a few guys who wanted to debunk superstition. They know nothing about Egyptian history Horus, Inubus, Osiris, Isis ect. Commercials in general are meant to subliminally get you to buy stuff, they always have been. Satanic clowns, enjoy eternity in hell, Do you think money will help you then? Your leader Satan is a looser and king of lies. Your just poor souls who fell for his parlor tricks. I pity you to some extent, just please keep your madness and violence within your little club and leave the people who choose family, God and love out of your childish ignorant games.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR VIDEOS.KJ,can you make a video on the difference of ANCIENT EGYPT TECH
VSTHE ILLUMINATTI'S SATANIC DOCTRINES.keep up the good work.Actually the 4th horse is Death.
their plan will not succeed these evil devils are destined to fail and suffer.
I thank the cop who got my kid kicked outta Mason school.Thx Officer Daily! I used to hate you-my kid is struggling but…You did a great thing.
I'm awake because of people like you. Thank you.
religion is korrupt. Even christianity. i do believe in Jesus . the fathers true. only the true will set You free. the truh Will get you to the holy ghost. the truth is Jesus
this is off wikipedia
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, in his 1916 novel The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (filmed in 1921 and in 1962), provides an early example of this interpretation, writing "The horseman on the white horse was clad in a showy and barbarous attire. […] While his horse continued galloping, he was bending his bow in order to spread pestilence abroad. At his back swung the brass quiver filled with poisoned arrows, containing the germs of all diseases."[12]
As sinister and dark as this all is, i however enjoy it and think its so cool to be in a world full of occults and secrets. Its thrilling.