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5 thoughts on “DARKER TRUTHS Behind YouTube ´´Adpocalypse´´

  • Susan Boyce

    YouTube is pushing fun silly channels like Logan Paul as a distraction. Youtube is pushing anything that isn’t seriously speaking out about the truth.

  • Melanie Gous

    Ellen Degenerate! Brilliant!

  • 519 Forestmonk

    Rhett and Link, too?? Say it ain’t so!

  • somewarintheheavens

    KJ check this out, this is a great illustration of what I was saying before, that there has to be an agenda because the things they do allow are unspeakable. Don’t pay attention to the title, just watch https://youtu.be/uKEd-0ITuJ4

    PS I have been seeing Ellen being promoted a lot lately, in many venues other than youtube. I have been calling her Ellen Degenerate in my head for weeks! lol great minds ; )~

  • KJ another great video and believe me I love all your videos, but come on do a catching up with KJ soon!! Keep up the good work and Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ my friend!!

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