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5 thoughts on “BIZARRE! Man Sells Million Dollar Ranch ´´Too Many Grey Aliens´´ (Photos)

  • Antisocialist

    The “alien” he killed was probably his blood sacrifice. Satanists are everywhere.

  • thegunshow

    If this guy killed 19 aliens, then where are the corpses? I call BS.

    • 0xABAD5EED

      they are interdimensional. they slide right off our plane and back down into their plane when they ‘die’. and you mean to tell me you dont have a sword that pushes at least 4-5 gauss at rest? damn. that sucks. bullets often dont work. need EM flux bearing weapons to consistently eliminate the threat. hand made is vastly superior to manuf. pref made by your hand. The smart ones then keep their distance from you. Dude with the ranch seems to be plagued with dumb ones :/

    • Dustin Fussy

      …and the photos happen to be blurry. In this age of technology he couldn’t get a single picture in focus. He’s scamming for some rich lunatic to pay over the odds for his property.

  • Niamh Ryan

    Jeez those photos are just plain creepy. Why would anyone want to live there. You would have some serious sanity issues. Thanks for this KJ. Like the music.

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